Apartment Decor for the Girls (and unsolicited pictures of cats)

Wow, 2016 you’ve been something else. Not all bad, but a turbulent year for most for sure. We decided to move all the way across the country in the middle of this insane year, which only seems fitting to add to its absurdity. It’s turned out awesome for us though, so no complaints. What I… Read More Apartment Decor for the Girls (and unsolicited pictures of cats)

Aurevoir Paris of the Plains – waving goodbye to KC from 30,000 feet up

Somehow in the process of trying to deny that things are always changing, we lose our sense of the sacredness of life. We tend to forget that we are part of the natural scheme of things. – Pema Chodron This post has been rumbling around inside of me for two months (not long after my… Read More Aurevoir Paris of the Plains – waving goodbye to KC from 30,000 feet up

A 4 month real-talk “engage 2016” check-in and that time (times) I cried in yoga: an ode to my yoga studio. You’ve been warned.

 A quarter of a year has passed since setting a “word” resolution in January and it’s time for a life check-in. If I had to go back and meet my old self, say two or three years ago, sometimes I’m not sure I would even know who she is. One of the tracks played in… Read More A 4 month real-talk “engage 2016” check-in and that time (times) I cried in yoga: an ode to my yoga studio. You’ve been warned.

Move Over Saint Valentine, St. Germain Is My Valentine

At Thou Mayest Coffee Roasters in the Crossroads District of downtown Kansas City, go for the coffee, but stay for the cocktails. When I was there recently sitting at the bar, I watched the bartender making a delicately beautiful drink, so of course I had to ask him what it was. Turns out it was… Read More Move Over Saint Valentine, St. Germain Is My Valentine