Apartment Decor for the Girls (and unsolicited pictures of cats)

Wow, 2016 you’ve been something else. Not all bad, but a turbulent year for most for sure. We decided to move all the way across the country in the middle of this insane year, which only seems fitting to add to its absurdity. It’s turned out awesome for us though, so no complaints. What I… Read More Apartment Decor for the Girls (and unsolicited pictures of cats)

3 can’t-miss-places for great vintage finds

Remember when you were little and doctor and dentist offices had those treasure chests you got to dig through and get a prize if you were good during your appointment? Well, I never grew out of that phase. And American Pickers is one of my favorite shows; looking at you- Mike and Frank! (See: borderline… Read More 3 can’t-miss-places for great vintage finds