In about 24 hours we are heading down to SoCal from Seattle to hike, explore and camp in Joshua Tree National Park (still hitting up those National Parks for the 100th birthday) for two days, then going on to Palm Springs for a best friend, Ellen’s, wedding. While I’m loving Seattle, I’m more than excited to see some Southern California sunshine and run around in the desert.
Since Palm Springs is such a magical place, I decided it was time to do a little throwback testament to its 1970s colorful Cali vibe with a gallery of the last time a lot of us were together there. We all know Dr. Loreley got married in The Tetons, and it was a life changing trip as well. But her bachelorette was in Palm Springs, and for the most part, what happens in Palm Springs stays in Palm Springs.
There were a lot of blow-up pool floaties, coozies, jammies, crafts, visors, sliding glass doors that were so clean you couldn’t tell they were there (I know because I walked into one at 10am), dance parties, hot-tubbing, giggles, tequila, Persian towels, and presents galore. While I’ll keep most of it to ourselves, our retro-glam four bedroom house that we spent the weekend in was just too cool not to share, along with my beautiful friends. Flamingos were the theme, and I’m so lucky my flock is pretty great at throwing a party. The house is definitely a Palm Springs original. Built in the late 50’s, it’s obviously seen some wild parties. With brushed concrete floors, bright colors in every room, including three different bathrooms all with their own pastel color pallets, and walls of sliding glass doors, it fits into the backdrop of palm trees and mountains perfectly.
So, one last cheers to Loreley – you’ve now moved into the old bride category, but you had a good run. See that little swimmer in the back, there? Now it’s her turn.

Ellen, you’re a true gem, and we are all more than ready to descend upon Palm Springs again to celebrate.
Here is the entire gallery. Click to view as a slideshow. Enjoy!
Cheers to Palms and Springs and Brides and Parties ~ Amanda